Kiu System Solutions expands their network in Africa with the incorporation of Kuva Air

 Kiu System Solutions’ network is in continuous expansion worldwide, and adds one more client in Africa.

 Kuva Air, one of Zimbabwe’s newest airlines, has chosen Kiu as provider of their suite of solutions. The airline has signed a multiyear contract for Kiu PSS, Kiu DCS, Kiu GDS, Kiu E-commerce, and Kiu BI.
The Zimbabwean airline commenced operations in early 2022, hoping to bring convenience and efficiency to the country’s tourism industry, aiming to grow wealth in Africa through cost effective scheduled air access to underserved destinations. It currently operates flights to 3 destinations, with expansion plans in the near future, providing exceptional onboard service quality and reliable payment infrastructure.
James Saruchera, Kuva Air’s Chairman, expressed: “After an extensive review of a number of very good systems, we decided to select Kiu as they have all of the components we need for booking and distribution in one easy to use solution."

Kuva Air, an airline that has started their way into the industry recently, will be able to benefit from Kiu’s comprehensive suite of solutions, all set in a proposal tailored to meet their needs. The efficiency and flexibility of Kiu’s system prove to be a crucial factor when deciding which provider is the best option in terms of the airline’s business model.


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