New functionality - Kiu DCS: passenger display using 2D/Qr scanners (COVID-19)

Dear Airlines

As part of the operations re-start efforts after COVID-19 crisis we would like to announce a new functionality for DCS that displays the passenger information using 2D/QR scanners. The feature is already available in all environments, it has been developed under IATA and ICAO recommendation. We believe that it's an extra tool to show compromise and security for all travelers

Below you will find some details about the feature:

  • Basic command line to start scanning.
  • Command-line should be entered each time an agent wants to use the scanner
  • The scan returns a display of the checked passenger search and adds an extra line with the edition command line ready to add any needed variable. 

  • This feature can be used at any airport environment (CUTE and NON CUTE)
    • CUTE environments:  Workstations should have a scanner installed, depending on the providers this peripheral might be called LSR (laser reader) or BRC (barcode reader) and their status is shown in KPM  (KIU Print Manager). Once the command line is entered  WAITING BOARDING PASS .... message will be displayed on the screen and the agent may proceed to scan the boarding pass
    • NON CUTE environments: Workstations can use the same scanners used at boarding gates. Any model might be used as long as they can read PDF417 and emulate a keyboard. Once the command line is entered a pop-up window will indicate that the system is ready to scan the boarding pass
For more information on this and other functionalities that will help you during the restart of your operations, please contact our support team or your dedicated account executive.


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