Aeroregional chooses Kiu PSS and GDS

Welcome, Aeroregional!
Aiming at the optimization of air connectivity in Ecuador through high-quality management services, we are pleased to announce that Aeroregional has decided to join Kiu family and choose our PSS and GDS solutions. This decision not only has shown their commitment to technology and expansion but also has taken their customers’ experience to the next level.
Destinations such as Quito, Cuenca and Guayaquil have made Aeroregional an effective low-cost option that exceeds customers’ expectations and secures a position as the leader in the entire area.
The ever-growing fleet of Boeing 737-500 already operates out of Quito to their several destinations, which will soon include the city of Coca.
“We were confident that KIU was the best choice as their successful system and effectiveness are well-known across the entire market”, said Carolina Flores, Aeroregional Commercial Manager.
This important step towards innovation through our PSS and GDS will provide Aeroregional a set of essential tools for the administration and handling of their issuance, distribution and booking inventory. With more than 15 years of experience in the industry, Kiu System offers a suite of integrated solutions for airlines to efficiently increase their revenue, reduce their costs and optimize their processes.
To learn more about Aeroregional, visit


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